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Body PositivitySeptember 14, 2023
Dove Launches ‘Fat Liberation’ Campaign, Partners With BLM Activist Who Falsely Got A White Student Expelled
Dove loves its fat models so much that the woke company is now partnering in a “fat liberation” campaign with a Black Lives Matter Activist accused of wrecking a white female student’s life by accusing her of making threatening remarks even though she later admitted she may have never heard the remarks at all.
Zyanha Bryant, a student activist studying at the University of Virginia, made the announcement she was an ambassador for Dove on her Instagram page last month, as she spoke about her goal of ending the stigma of being fat.
“My belief is that we should be centering the voices and the experiences of the most marginalized people and communities at all times,” Bryant said. “So when I think about what fat liberation looks like to me, I think about centering the voices of those who live in and who maneuver through spaces and institutions in a fat body.”
The amount of disgust I have for Bryant cannot fully be put into words.
Bryant previously accused fellow University of Virginia student Morgan Bettinger, who is also a first-generation college student and the daughter of a police officer who had died several years before, of saying that George Floyd protesters would make “good speed bumps” at a 2020 rally after she mistakenly drove into a street where the protestors were gathered.
But Bryant later admitted she may have 'misheard', only after she joyfully watched and joined-in as Bettinger’s life was destroyed.
As she tried to get away, her car was encircled. Bettinger said she told a truck driver, who was blocking the way, that: 'It's a good thing that you are here, because otherwise these people would have been speed bumps.'
Bryant called for a severe punishment and embarked on an email campaign to have Bettinger expelled, tweeting: 'EMAIL these UVA deans now to demand that Morgan face consequences for her actions and that UVA stop graduating racists.'
This led to the poor girl even being stalked and harassed in her hometown.
Bryant has a lot more to work on besides just her weight, considering she’s a narcissistic attention seeking fat psycho who ruined someone's life for no reason at all besides the fact she needed to make herself relevant.
Fat positivity is a straight up lie. There is no way someone would ever prefer to be morbidly obese over thin. Bryant is just so ridiculously lazy she would prefer to hide behind a mask claiming this is some positive thing in her life, rather than maintain a somewhat healthy lifestyle.
She tries so hard to take on this postmodern tone of turning herself into some victim group with her deranged fat identity politics, but unlike race, she only has herself to blame for her gluttonous ways.
Do you know how much you have to eat to get that fat? A LOT. IT IS DISGUSTING.
Fat activism is the most repulsive form of protest and should be absolutely condemned.
And did she even apologize to the innocent girl whose life she ruined after she randomly chose to villainize her? I highly doubt it because she is so obsessed with her grotesque fat rolls to even think about anyone besides herself.
The fat movement is not like all the other miserable movements surrounded by self-absorbed narcissists, it is so much worse because it is self-imposed and they try to cry victimhood.
And isn't it an oxymoron to claim you are a BLM activist and a fat activist at the same time? Since the whole premise behind BLM activism is Black people don’t choose to be Black and are therefore victims. But she chooses to be fat so she can’t be a victim.
We should encourage people to maintain a healthy lifestyle and we must put an end to the fat liberation movement RIGHT NOW before I lose my lunch.
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