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Dear Race-Baiting Scumbags Already Politicizing the Dallas PD Shooting...
Dear race-baiters already politicizing the Dallas PD shooting,
Here you are. I knew you'd show up. You always do. No matter the incident, no matter how unrelated, no matter who it hurts, you'll find a way to twist any and all ongoing tragedies into a racially charged, victimization contest.
Good lord, I can't stand you.
As I write this, the man who launched an assault on the Dallas PD is no more, thanks to our fine men and women in blue. Everyone rejoice!
And here's the thing... everybody is rejoicing. I've not seen a single person to be anything short of beaming that this thug got his comeuppance. Except that is, for the #BlackLivesMatter race-baiting hacks and their leaders.
Because the #DallasPDShooting guy is white,ppl now say "don't make this a race thing".If the perp was Blk,the word "Ni**er would be trending— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸) 1434221120.0
"But he was shot!" Yes, hours later. Hours not afforded to Tamir Rice nor John Crawford. #DallasPDShooting— zellie (@zellie) 1434206154.0
What?! Firstly, I've never seen the word "n**ger" trending anywhere on twitter. Ever. I'm pretty sure if it ever even came close, it was much more likely due to the likes of Nicki Minaj or Kanye West than the ghost of Robert Byrd. I'm also pretty damn sure that Twitter wouldn't allow it. So that's lie #1.
Lie #2, the most important, is that white people aren't as offended at this as they are when black people attack cops. Again, all evidence points toward the exact opposite.
Dear #BlackLivesMatter crowd. He's a thug & a terrorist See how easy it is to call a thug a thug #DallasPDShooting— 2A Forever (@2A Forever) 1434201745.0
Fair enough?
Now some of you are complaining that this man is not yet being called a "terrorist." You complain that the one and only reason that could be the case, is because he's not brown. I hate to do this to you, but allow me to direct you toward the Merriam Webster definition of "terrorism."
Terrorism: : the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal
See, we don't know that about this scumbag yet. How does one know whether someone committed the crime specifically as a means to a political end? Granted, yelling out "Allahu Akbar" tends to be a giveaway, but if that's not the case, research and due diligence are required. This thug has barely yet assumed room temperature. People aren't labeling him a terrorist yet, not because we hate black people, but because we don't know enough about his motives.
If it turns out that he was some neo-libertarian who rejected the very concept of police authority and that he has a Buffalo Bill basement stocked with nipple-lotion, I'd have zero problems calling him a terrorist. Fair enough?
I also will be outraged or protest exactly zero because the criminal happened to be white. I couldn't care less. I'm glad he's dead. Fair enough?
The really sick thing here is that you filthy social justice warrior leftists have ruined the rare unifying moments like these left for our country. In a time where we should all be rallying together, where we should all be supporting those who protect us from harm the most, you seek to divide us the most.
The crazy thing is that in this case, unifying really wouldn't be all that hard to do! Isn't that great! Here we find ourselves at a rare juncture where everyone agrees. Here is a time in our country where everyone is glad to see a criminal be served justice, a time where we can all join hands in support, prayer, and become a better, stronger America, a time where...
... ah crap, it's the #BlackLivesMatter people.
Well, it was a good ride while it lasted. You race-baiting, politicizing, opportunistic losers.