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PoliticsApril 13, 2019
Dan Crenshaw Responds to Criticism Over Ilhan Omar Tweet
I hope I live long enough to cast my vote for Dan "The Man" Crenshaw when he aims for the Oval Office. The presidency is all but guaranteed should the cyclopean badass choose to run. Young Daniel is proving his epicness once again with this response to the haters of his Ilhan Omar tweet.
In an interview with NBC, Crenshaw said the clip that went viral on social media was not taken out of context — which many have suggested — and it was right for people to call it out.“All Representative Omar had to do is really, I don’t know, explain herself,” Crenshaw said. “[She can] say whatever she wants, say she didn’t mean it, I don’t know. Diffuse the situation, but don’t double down, alright. Don’t play the victim card. Don’t start making accusations of me. I just think that was uncalled for.”
If lefties have a problem with us calling them out for their verbal diarrhea, there's always Imodium. When you say braindead things, there shouldn't be any surprise when people call you braindead. If you don't want people to see you as a disrespecting douchemeister, stop being an disrespecting douchemeister. Seems easy enough.
Methinks these lefties are so butthurt by Danny-boy's tweet because they know his remarks are true. Ilhan Omar made a major boo-boo when she dismissively referred to the September 11th attacks as "something some people did." The left would like those comments to be drowned out by cat videos in the Twittersphere. Alas, Dan Crenshaw put Ilhan in the spotlight.
Lefties are showing their true nature with remarks like these. Though, they'd prefer their passive-aggressive remarks go unnoticed by the populace. Unfortunately for those lefty butt-nuggets, Dan Crenshaw will have none of their crap.
Speaking of Ilhan Omar:
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