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LOL: DailyMail Finds 'Dirt' on Neil Gorsuch. Gets Trolled Hard!
DailyMail was so jazzed yesterday. They woke up armed with what they thought to be the dirtiest of dirt. So naturally they unleashed a hit piece sure to go down in history as groundbreaking investigative journalism. The DailyMail exclusive revealed a few things about Trump's SCOTUS nominee, Neil Gorsuch.
If you frequent the political bowels of Reddit, you've likely seen the left gathering their pitchforks with this "evidence" in tow. Except it's not the evidence they hoped it would be...
Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch founded and led a student group called the 'Fascism Forever Club' at his elite high school. The club was set up to rally against the 'left-wing tendencies' of his professors... As an anti-faculty student group that battled against the 'liberal' views of the school administration.He listed his other student activities as 'President of the Yard, Student Government' and 'Lousy Spanish Student.' He said he was also president of a group called the 'Committee to reform The Beast.'
His senior quote was: 'I am not an alkie; I never wrote a debate case!'
It shows the depth of Gorsuch's right-wing credentials - and his penchant for mischief while attending his exclusive prep school in the 1980s.
Okay, here's what this article has revealed to us so far. Neil Gorsuch led an anti-SJW club. Also, that club's name was clearly meant to be in jest, as evidenced by Neil's other jokes that are cited in the SAME article. But let us hold our ponies and take a quick glance at the left's reaction. Wouldn't want to misrepresent by assuming their stupidity.
Stupidity confirmed.
Firstly, this "hit piece"? It's revealing Neil Gorsuch's silly jokes and antics... from 30+ years ago. When he was in high school. Classic high school hit piece. It's a career destroyer, that one. This is the type of journalism that brings light to closeted skeletons. You know, like one's obsession with government dictatorship (see FLASHBACK: Bernie Sanders Praises Communist Breadlines and Food Rationing...). Or direct ties to the KKK (see FLASHBACK: When Hillary Repeatedly Praised a KKK Leader). Or in this case... a high school prank!
Humor. The left doesn't have it. It's a serious side effect of having a stick of moral superiority up one's anus.
The point that's being missed here? 16-year-old Neil Gorsuch was clearly a stirrer of crap. He poked the belly of the hairy leftist behemoth and used his club as a way to troll the left... And they're still getting trolled by it decades later.
In a strange twist of fate, DailyMail's fail piece did reveal a lot to us. Namely that the left is still functionally retarded. They can't tell satire from reality. But also, Neil Gorsuch's life must be so perfectly vanilla and innocent, they had to dig all the way back to high school to find anything that could be used to smear his name. Aaaaand this is what they came up with.
This is further proof that bitter liberals are desperately grasping at straws here. They're still sore over the election, as you can see from the ongoing riots. So when mainstream media sees buzzwords like "fascist" trending among leftist circles? They try to find any way to connect fascism to those they disagree with. Usually by way of fake news and hoaxes. Other times, we get this. Meanwhile, pointing out real fascism (see "Anti-Fascists" Burn Berkeley to Protest Milo. They're the REAL Fascists)? Meh. Doesn't help the narrative.
But remember, if you question their shoddy evidence and blatant hypocrisy that makes you "problematic." Conform or else, FASCIST!