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ArticlesApril 01, 2024
City Officials: Here are “intervention cards" for you to give to people in case you find yourself being harassed in public
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The Bay Area is currently going through a zombie apocalypse because that is what happens when progressives start running things. Subsequently, there also appears to be an epidemic of people getting harassed on the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system, as they are now promoting “intervention cards” that are somehow supposed to help victims in real-time.
On Friday, BART took to X to inform people about this color-coded system that is intended to somehow assist someone who is "experiencing or witnessing harassment."
“If someone is harassing you in a way that makes you feel unsafe, hand a person close to you the blue ‘You Got Me?’ card to ask for their help. The card offers options for ways they might help you," the X post reads.
There is also a yellow card that a witness can give to someone who may or may not need help.
“If you are noticing someone who appears to be experiencing harassment, pass them a yellow “I Got You” card to discreetly let them know you’re looking out for them. Like the “You Got Me?” card, the “I Got You” card offers options for ways to get help.”
When you see someone getting robbed or raped on the subway, it has always been instinctual of humans to hand yellow cards to victims in real-time. That is exactly what rational people do.
Jokes aside, it is unclear how naive city officials have to be to believe that these cards will somehow do anything to stop a culprit from committing a crime in progress, but it is clear that the people who put this in place are not what you would call “competent.”
But when officials refuse to enforce the law and hold people accountable, they have to come up with ways to make it seem as if they at least pretend to care.
It is not wrong to say that it is unlikely that a yellow card will do much of anything when thugs already have a "get out of jail" free card.
“The cards were created as part of BART’s Not One More Girl campaign, which encourages safety through bystander support and awareness, especially for girls and gender-expansive youth.”
It is unclear what "gender-expansive youth" is but they seem to believe that blue and yellow cards will save someone's life. It also appears that children may be running this pathetic attempt at a public safety campaign, as you would expect adults to at least have a fraction of a brain.
Only someone mentally incompetent would think of this scenario:
This is exactly what we have here, which is a bunch of mentally incompetent progressives who decided to hand the torch over to children to crack down on the zombie apocalypse they created.
Literally, anything but this idea would have served people better.
But what SF officials really meant to say is that if you need help, don't bother calling them.
Usually, we would say that at least they tried. But they did not try. They did not even pretend to try. Which is why they asked children to come up with some asinine ideas. But the real scandal is that they ran with those ideas.
The general manager for BART gets $402,950 a year, not including benefits or other pay, and the best he could do was yellow and blue cards.
SF leadership is such a failure that residents would be so much better without them.
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