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Al Qaeda Instructs Jihadists to Target White Americans. Leftists Silent...
Remember the Orlando terrorist attack? Dude walks into a gay bar and shoots gays because Islam. Right after having pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, mind you. Pretty straightforward, right? We thought so too. Then every leftist with a blog turned it into a gun control issue. Or a homophobia issue. Anything but a terrorism issue (read Orlando Nightclub Attack: We Don't Need 'Gun Control.' We Need 'Islam Control'). That was annoying, because there is, in fact, a real world beyond the computer screen. In real life, pretending terrorism isn't a thing has consequences. You know, beyond just losing a follower on Tumblr.
Turns out one of those consequences is al Qaeda aiming down the sights. At white people. Sorry white people.
In the most recent edition of Inspire magazine, published by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the terror group urges its U.S. followers to avoid targeting minorities in domestic terror attacks. "Most of the individuals present at Pulse nightclub were Latino," Inspire writes. "We recommend - and Allah knows best - that it is better to avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found in America.""The Western media focused on the testimony by [Omar] Mateen's father who said that his son hates homosexuals and that terrorist ideas had no place in his motives. The media tried to portray the operation motives to be against a particular group of people in order to turn the American public away from the real motives of the operation... Therefore we advise targeting areas where the Anglo-Saxon community is generally concentrated. This class of the American community is the majority and it is the one that is in the American leadership."
So what does this mean? Terrorists may decide to blow up an Idaho suburb rather than a Miami beach. Both are equally tragic. Especially if that suburb is really just housing potatoes. It's hard to be in Idaho, sure. But then to get blown up for being white, that's just unfair.
This is real racism here. ISIS, they're racist against whites. They're telling us they're racist against whites. They're calling for the deaths of white people. What are our elected officials doing about it?
Worse, they're maintaining ISIS isn't "Islamic," and frankly trying to pretend ISIS doesn't exist at all. Because Osama is dead, GM's alive. Or something.
Still, the fact that terrorists have to alter their plans to get people to realize they're terrorists? Speaks volumes about how obsessed our increasingly leftist country is with mislabeling everything as a "hate crime." You know, rather than call a spade a spade. Or in this case, a bomb-vested jihadist a bomb-vested jihadist. Who hates white people.
What more does ISIS have to do for the left to acknowledge it hates everything about everybody who's not Islamic, including skin color?
Also, stop it with the "moderate" Islam meme.