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UncategorizedApril 30, 2019
Admitted Child Rapist Gets Let Off Easy with Light Sentence
I'm gonna go ahead and warn you. This story is gonna make you madder than Michael Moore at the Krispy Kreme when the light's off. An admitted rapist of a young girl got his sentence. 10 years...of probation. Yes, probation:
A judge handed down 10 years' probation last week to a former New York school bus driver after he admitted to raping a 14-year-old girl. Shane Piche, 26, will be registered as a Level 1 sex offender, according to the Waterford Daily Times. The judge reportedly said because he had no prior arrests and there was one victim, the sentence was appropriate.Level 1 is considered the lowest risk level out of three, and Piche will not be included in online sex offender databases. He pleaded guilty in February to raping a 14-year-old girl who he met through his job as a bus driver with the city's school district, the newspaper reports.
Call me old-fashioned, but I'm of the belief the only appropriate sentence for a kiddie rapist is a swing from a rope. Also, for good measure, a double dose of buckshot to the berries. A simple probation sentence wouldn't even be on the table.
The justice system used to be about punishing wrongdoers. Rape-loving asshats were in fear of the prospect of accounting for their dickery. Alas, those days are long past and our justice system is now based on "compassion." Which is why this admitted rapist will be roaming the streets, consequence free.
Rampant leftism is what leads to these wrist slaps. Funny how lefties can boo-hoo about "rape culture." While simultaneously they push policies which keep rapey dickbags on the streets and among the living. So much for "justice."
Since we're talking rape culture:
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