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Culture WarsOctober 25, 2023
ACLU Supports Prostitutes Knowingly Spreading HIV, Sues Over Tennessee Law That "Disproportionately Affects Black And Trans"
It turns out, the ACLU may be more racist and transphobic than we thought.
On Tuesday, the ACLU basically claimed that black and trans people are more likely to intentionally infect someone with HIV. But that this purposeful act is justified because the aforementioned black and trans people are only doing this because they are disabled and probably didn't know better.
And because of the ACLU’s soft bigotry of low expectations, they believe the crime of knowingly infecting someone with this incurable virus should be condoned because this is a "protected disability."
No, I am not kidding. They really said that.
Oh, and if you claim that the black and trans people who purposely infect someone with a dangerous virus are smart enough to know better, well that makes YOU racist. Not them, you.
According to the lawsuit, Tennessee’s Aggravated Prostitution statute requirements violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The suit was filed against the state by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Transgender Law Center, and the ACLU of Tennessee.
Yes, these people really think this is worth fighting for.
Buying and selling sex is generally a misdemeanor in Tennessee. However, it may be considered a Class C felony if the sex worker knows they have HIV.
Aggravated Prostitution is when someone knows they are infected with HIV and engages in sex work.
"Disability discrimination is illegal,” said Alexis Agathocleous, deputy director of the National ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, “and yet the Aggravated Prostitution singles out economically-marginalized people living with HIV for excessively harsh punishment. The results are predictable: Black women are the targets of this archaic, unscientific law – many of whom are simply trying to secure food, a place to sleep, or a way to meet their basic needs.”
Nothing in the law mentions anything about race or being transgender. So how exactly does it target them?
Yes, the ACLU's racial justice director really said that a black man who knowingly infects someone with HIV is just trying to get something to eat.
To claim that black people are the ones most affected by these laws means you must accept the premise that black people are intentionally infecting people with HIV. You honestly cannot get more racist than that.
Just a reminder, the ACLU said that COVID-19 vaccine mandates “actually further civil liberties” because it protects “communities of color hit hard” by COVID-19.
Yes, the lack of self-awareness is appalling to me as well.
First of all, everyone and their grandmas know that the vaccine does nothing to prevent transmission. Second, if we want to protect people of color from disease, then you would actually promote stricter penalties for aggravated prostitution.
According to the CDC, 50% of black men who have sex with men, will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime. If you were really fighting for them, you would want to prevent more infection, not enable it.
Additionally, HIV is a lifelong disease. With COVID, the vast majority of people get the sniffles for a couple of days and life goes on. In fact, COVID is so much of a nonissue that you have to get a test to know you even have it.
In other words, sniffles are bad, but a severe immune deficiency is of no concern to them.
If you just look at the ACLU’s logic, or lack thereof, it’s hard to not argue that the ACLU condones increasing the amount of black people affected with HIV. But we will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are just abhorrently ignorant and don’t think about the subsequent outcomes of what would happen if their demands are granted.