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ArticlesOctober 21, 2019
Transwoman Cyclist Takes Gold in Female Championship Event, Disses Silver Medalist
A transwoman is a woman like a stallion is a mare. A transwoman is a woman like a buck is a doe. A transwoman is a woman like a cock is a hen. That's because transwomen are not women. They're human men. All the hormones and surgeries in the world will never make a man into a woman, as a stallion will never be a mare, a buck never a doe, a cock never a hen. But one thing trans women who compete against women will always be are selfish assholes. Like Dr. Rachel McKinnon, who acknowledges "she" has strength advantages but competes against women anyway.
As also reported on The Daily Caller, Dr. Rachel McKinnon of Canada eh, took the gold from legit lady, American Dawn Orwick, in the sprint at the 2019 Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester, England. But it wasn't enough to steal a championship from a woman who earned it. No, no, Rachel went the full dick route and insulted Dawn for failing to congratulate him.
Wrong. Dawn should've won this event. She's not signaling poor sportsmanship. Poor sportsmanship is what's written in the above tweet. The silver medalist here would've been on the top podium were it not for the poor sportsmanship of actual dude, "Rachel," who cares more about winning for himself than he cares about sportsmanship. Just like fellow dicks, Transgender Tracks Stars Take First AND Second Place Away From Girls.
Curious, I went through more of Rachel's tweets and found similar instances of behaving like the worst type of guy: an entitled ass who bowls over anyone in his way.
I grew my boobs with my body's natural process of hormone production as directed by my female DNA, not by injecting estrogen into my buttcheek. You f*cking piece of sh*t.
You're not. So simple. Not at all complicated. You are not a fully equal woman because you are not a woman. You're a man. A shitty one at that. I'm getting tired of these kinds of douchebags taking things from women just because they're assholes. Yeah, I'm also done with censoring my cuss words. This Rachel character isn't fit to lick my toes, pedicured or not.
We don't call your existence a fetish. We're fine with you existing. We're not fine with you invading spaces which do not welcome or belong to you, simply because you want it.
Incidentally, when I first heard the term "male privilege" I thought it referred to the entitled attitude some men have that everything on planet Earth was made for them, to be enjoyed by them. Exhibit A: Rachel McKinnon.
I'm just going to come out and say it: you were conceived as a male, born a male, will die a male. Regardless of what hormones you've stopped your body from producing by sticking needles in your ass. Draw your own conclusions.
Actually you did. Dawn Orwick. She took the silver medal because you stole the gold. I can't speak for her, but as a competitive woman myself who's won a few things, what I want is to win fairly and squarely. What I don't want is to take second to a cheater. You're cheating. You're cheating. You're cheating. You're a man competing against ladies with a strength advantage you don't even run from. You wanking shitstick.
If women want to get away from asshole men like this, I have a suggestion: boycott these events entirely. Women nowadays can't escape to their own safe spaces to be free of mansplaining douchewads until we demand it. It's like feminism never happened.