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crimeDecember 13, 2023
Watch: Thieves Argue That Since Stolen Items Were On Sale They Should Get A Lesser Charge
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Do you think that discounts should only apply to paying customers? Or should the sale price also expand to thieves? Well, let's see what the jury has to say about this one.
"A jury has convicted two men of felony theft for stealing several items from a Kohl’s store in Parker. This in itself wouldn't be headline news -- if not for their legal defense.
Michael Green and Byron Bolden were sentenced after a three-day trial in early December. Green will serve 15 months in prison, and Bolden was sentenced to 90 days in jail with credit for time served, as a condition of 18 months of probation.
The pair were dubbed the “KitchenAid Mixer Crew,” because the pricey kitchen appliance was included in the theft, along with brand-name shoes and clothing. Investigators identified the two through surveillance images."
For something to be prosecuted as felony theft in Colorado the total worth must add up to at least $2,000, according to the outlet. Which is surprisingly even more extreme than California which is around $950. Both of those laws are total nonsense though since it is obvious it is just de facto legalizing lawlessness, as evident by the rest of this story.
“'The legal argument by the defense was that these two individuals basically stole merchandise that was on sale, and if you took the sale price, it would fall below the $2,000 threshold required for a Class 6 felony conviction,' said Eric Ross, spokesperson for the 18th Judicial District Attorney's Office, according to the outlet.
The DA’s office said the value that matters in court is the retail price, not a sale or coupon or other discount."
We all know how much of a circus Colorado is. But at least we can say that this case leaned towards the side of justice. But that $2,000 threshold is stupid, really stupid. And I am sure that must have led the thieves to steal what they did. They were dumb enough to stop at the sale price rather than the actual price thinking it would just be a misdemeanor if caught.
Even if you know nothing about Colorado, that $2,000 requirement at least hints at the fact that officials care more about criminal rights than victim's rights. Why would you raise the bar like that? Why would you make it harder to put criminals in jail?
Defense in Kohl's theft case argues for lesser charge due to salewww.youtube.com
At least this did not happen in Denver where they have a progressive prosecutor. I would not be surprised if that sale argument held up had it been over there.
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