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2024 ElectionJuly 28, 2023
Ron DeSantis hits back hard at reporter pushing Florida African American history lie: "Have you read it?"
Multiple things can be true. There were no benefits to slavery. No one said anything about their being benefits to slavery. And Kamala Harris is LYING when she said Ron DeSantis wants school kids to "be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery."
No, just like how it is not illegal to say "gay" in Florida, the state also isn't teaching middle school students that "achkshually, maybe slavery wasn't so bad to begin with." The Left and the media (but I repeat myself) are running the same playbook as they did with the "Don't Say Parental Rights in Education" controversy.
Leftists lied about Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act knowing they can count on the media to swear by it and that no one will read for themselves. The media swore by it, claiming it was the "Don't Say Gay" bill. Conservatives pushed back on the media's lies citing the actual text in the bill. The media then did journalisming on the "controversy" surrounding the bill... that they created.
And here we go again.
But you haven’t read it. So I’m just making that clear. That makes it very clear about the injustices of slavery in vivid detail. So anyone that actually read that, and then listens to Kamala would know that she’s lying, and that particular provision about the skills, that was in spite of slavery, not because of.
Here is the part that the Left took out of context that caused Kamala to go stampeding off to Jacksonville. ONE sentence from the almost two-hundred items that are a part of the curriculum about the horrors of slavery. “Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit."
Dr. William B. Allen, one of the African-American scholars who developed the Florida curriculum, said of the misinformation being spread from the White House: "[The vice-president's comments] are categorically false. It never said slavery was beneficial to Africans. What was said, and anyone who reads this will see with clarity, it is the case that Africans proved resourceful, resilient, and adaptive and were able to develop skills and aptitudes which served to their benefit both while enslaved and after enslavement."
That should be the end of it and in the olden days, no matter your feeling on the candidate or the elected official, conservatives could be counted on to call out Leftists and media lies. Unfortunately, with the GOP primary, that's not the case.
Donald Trump surrogate (and a Florida Congressman who should know the truth) Rep. Byron Donalds said that the one sentence was an "attempt to feature the personal benefits of slavery." It doesn't do that and the White House is lying when it says that. Rep. Donalds didn't accurately interpret what was said.
Sen. Tim Scott, one of DeSantis's primary opponents, issued a statement saying "There is no silver lining in slavery." Which is a) true, and b) the Florida curriculum doesn't say there was. It's the White House lies claiming the curriculum says "there is a silver lining" that is the problem.
If you repeat White House lies while running or supporting someone who is running to replace the people in the White House, I won't go as far as to call it "disqualifying" per se. I find it more offensive that there are GOP presidential candidates who claim New York was more successful at battling SCHMOVID than Florida was.
But it does make me wonder how it would have been had the Left and the media (again, I repeat myself) pushed the "Don't Say Gay" lie now. I wonder how many GOP campaigns would use that to score a cheap point or two.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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