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ArticlesFebruary 10, 2019
Leftists Furious Over Rob Lowe's Tweet Mocking Elizabeth Warren
Rob Lowe might have played a stuck-up douche-a-saurus in Wayne's World, and a bleeding heart do-gooder in Parks and Recreation. In the real world, the guy's pretty funny, and he knows how to take a dig at someone. Just take a look at the joke he made about Elizabeth Warren's presidential run.
That is lit-rally the funniest thing I've seen all day.
You might notice how that's a screenshot of Rob's tweet, not the actual thing. There's a reason for that. See for yourself:
Well, now you know how many of us felt about The Last Jedi.
It might be racist...if Warren were actually a Native American. He's actually taking a dig at her distinct lack of Native American-ness.
After this whinefest went on for a while, Lowe finally caved and removed the tweet. Though, that wasn't relief enough for the lefties' butthurt.
Jeez, these lefties don't know a harmless joke when they see it. I think Lowe himself sums up our current situation perfectly:
I think even funnier than the joke itself is lefties' blatant hypocrisy. Where was this outrage when Elizabeth was appropriating a racial identity to get herself ahead? That's a lot more racist than a goofy tweet. Yet, here come the lefties to defend her to the death against the horrific crime of being mocked on Twitter. Pathetic.
If the tweet were some iteration of "Orange Man Bad," these same lefties would be lauding it as some brilliant next-level political humor. Alas, Rob Lowe chose to aim his mockery toward someone with a "D" after their name. Which is just unacceptable.
Welcome to 2019 in progressive America, where mocking a racist lefty is worse than, you know, being a racist lefty.
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