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FeaturedNovember 06, 2023
We have obtained EXCLUSIVE access to the Nashville Covenant shooter's manifesto
BREAKING: Nashville Trans Manifesto Leaked “I Hope I Have A High Death Count”; Shooter Specifically Targeted Students With “White Privileges” And Was “Ready to Die”
- Louder with Crowder has exclusively obtained three pages of Nashville shooter AudreyHale’s alleged manifesto.
- Hale, a transgender 28-year-old man going by the name “Aiden” Hale, entered The Covenant School on March 27, 2023 in Green Hills, Tennessee – killing six, before being shot and killed by responding officers.
- The manifesto detailed thoughts Hale had leading up to what was referred to as “DEATH DAY”, as well as a timeline in which the shooting would take place.
- Audrey Hale: “Can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm ready...I hope my victims aren't.”
- Hale: “I hope I have a high death count.”
- Hale: “Kill those kids!!!”
- Hale: “going to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertibles.”
- Hale: “Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges”• Hale: There were several times I could have been caught especially b---ack in the summer of 2021.
- Hale: “It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3-7. Its gunna go quick.”
[NASHVILLE – Nov. 06, 2023] Louder with Crowder is publishing three pages of the long-awaited Nashville transgender mass shooter’s manifesto. These pages of the manifesto were exclusively obtained by MugClub Undercover.
The never-before-seen manifesto details how Audrey Hale planned to carry out the targeted massacre.
In the pages reviewed and corroborated by MugClub Undercover, Hale said she hoped to have a “high death count” and wanted to “kill” kids with “white privileges.”
Also included is a timeline of events, as Hale wanted them playing out:
7:00am - Get dressed [COVERED]
7:05am - 8:55am - [COVERED]
w/ stuffed animals + possessions
9:00am - Eat breakfast at home [home encircled in heart shape]
9:30am - Pack up special belongings
in backpack(s)
---9:50am - test knifecor glass breaker
(dads old cars)
10:00am - Leave for Royal Range
(19-20 min)
10:20am - Gear up + setup guns in
trunk (assemble) + get out rest
(w/ mags inside)
11:20am - Final video tape (0 min)
11:35am - Leave for Covenant school
12:00pm - Arrive at Covenant
(Check parking lot for security)
12:05 - arrive in designated parking space
12:05-12:10 - prepare for attack
12:-- - Lock + load all weapons
12:33 [circled] Open fire towards SW entrance
Let massacre begin Time2die [circled] XXX
MugClub undercover has corroborated the pages from the manifesto as authentic. If you have information related to this story, please contact us at [email protected]
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