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UncategorizedJanuary 27, 2017
LOL! Sore Loser Leftists Try Moving to Canada. Get Rejected For Being Deadbeats...
One of the more entertaining aspects of the 2016 post-election season are the "threats" from the losing side to leave the country. Like, can we start GoFundMe accounts for all these losers? I know cash is tight when you're a constant government mooch. Never have those "threats" been more common--or amusing--than right now. Leftists refuse to share a country with the Trump, so they're putting on their pu**y hats, packing their made-from-hemp bags, and sashaying their way up to the Canadian border. That'll show everybody!
Except, Canada is not interested in overweight career baristas with gender studies degrees...
Liberals seeking to move to Canada because they are unhappy with the election results are finding that Canada won’t take them because its immigration policies exclude those who won’t contribute to the economy.One of the policies of President Donald Trump that has some Democrats claiming they want to jump ship is his pledge to limit immigration from people whose lives in America would be dependent on welfare. Trump promises “extreme vetting” before accepting immigrants or refugees.
But Democrats looking to move from the U.S. to Australia, Canada and other wealthy English-speaking nations are learning that those nations already have similar policies.
Translation of Canadian and Australia immigration policies: Y'all are freaking losers. Go back to your moms' basements. You're America's problem, not ours. Also, take showers. We can smell you from here. Use real soap. Not the superior feels from which you derive your elitist attitudes.
Well, that's what Canada and Austrailia would say if they weren't also imprisoned by politically correct rhetoric. Fortunately, I'm not burdened with such problems.
Of course, while it's funny that Canada has rejected the rejects, they are still here. In America. Wearing vaginal hats. Opening their mouths to allow the free flow of unending stupid to come spewing out. Here's looking at you, Ashely Judd.
Oh well. I guess we'll just have to cope with their presence by mocking their perpetual stupidity. I'm telling Siri to remind me to write more insults. #WorkGoals
To see the look on these leftists' faces as they're denied immigration would be better than Christmas, though. "It's America that's supposed to be racist, not utopian Canada," they might be whining. I'm sure the words "Nazi" and "fascist" are getting thrown around quite a bit, as well. But the truth is having borders and immigration requirements is standard stuff. Always has been. Leftists, Canada doesn't want to inherit more welfare recipients to suckle at their teat and smash up all their stuff every time you don't get your way. So, suck it up and stick around here in the good ol' U-S-of-A. Maybe start a bricklaying business. I hear there's about to be a lot of business down in Texas...