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CultureApril 29, 2024
Watch: New York DA Turns Into Nasty Karen After She Ignored Cop And Refused To Pull Over
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“I understand the law better than you.” That was one of the many excuses Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley used to justify the level of entitlement she felt when she refused to pull over for a cop who clocked her going 20 mph over the speed limit.
Upstate NY DA refuses to stop for speeding, drives back home and calls police chief to complainwww.youtube.com
Pretty funny how she admits guilt right away before the officer even has a chance to say anything.
According to The Daily Caller:
Bodycam footage obtained by WHAM on Friday depicts Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley refusing to stop her car after a police officer attempts to pull her over for speeding 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. Doorley instead drives home, calling the chief of police to complain on the way, and once met by officers in her driveway attempts to wield her position to evade responsibility for the offense.
It’s not uncommon for a public official to think they are above the law. And when you combine that with an entitled lawyer who interprets the law for a living, you get Doorley who believes that justifies her behavior in mistreating an officer and disobeying lawful commands.
Doorley asks the officer to just write her a ticket for speeding, but the officer responded that refusing to stop after he attempted to pull her over was an “arrestable offense,” according to the footage. In a separate clip, Doorley tells an officer that she understands the law better than he does and to “get out of my fucking house.”
None of that made sense. She admitted she was speeding but thought “no one would ever pull over a black SUV” if the plates matched the vehicle. Is that really what an elected official truly believes when it comes to traffic stops? Because last time I checked, you can still get pulled over for speeding even if you own the car. And you would think that someone who believes she understands the law better than an officer would at least know you are supposed to pull over when a cop has his sirens on.
There was no reason for her to act so nasty and she’s lucky she didn’t get arrested for her bratty and reprehensible behavior. Is that how she wants members of the public to act? Is that the example she wishes to set?
And why was she pacing back and forth like that as if she had something to hide? Isn't that how crackheads act when the cops pull them over?
She really said “I don’t really care” that the cop tried to pull her over. And I am sure she didn’t care because she thought her title would get her off.
She released a statement today apologizing for her embarrassing behavior. But we know she would have cared less had the footage not been released. In her statement, she claimed that she would punish herself the way she would an employee in the same situation.
But honestly, she should resign. Understandably, people make mistakes but that level of entitled proves she truly believes she is above the law. And that is the last thing we need when it comes to public officials in charge of prosecuting crime.
She expected special treatment and she was given special treatment. That is what is infuriating. Anyone else would have been arrested in that situation and that makes this so much worse.
SORRY LADIES: Women Should NOT Be Cops! | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com
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