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Dems List Hillary's "Achievements" - Here's all of Them Debunked...
During the GOP Debate, Carly Fiorina challenged Democrats to come up with "Hillary's Greatest Achievements," and they've been struggling ever since. Heck, even Hillary herself couldn't name her greatest accomplishment as Secretary of State when asked about it post-debate! No, really, she couldn't. Watch:

But, not one to let the challenge go unaccepted, Democratic strategists came up with a "Top 20" list of Hillary's accomplishments. We've decided to break down a few of their noted Hillary "achievements" for you...because we love comedy. Take a look:
1. "Setting in motion talks that culminated in the Iran nuclear deal."
- Bill Scher, senior writer at the Campaign for America’s Future
Well, jimmy cricket! Giving Iran more freedom to develop nuclear weapons - a country whose citizens and leaders chant about wiping Israel off the map and "death to America" - isn't exactly something to be proud of. But hey, kudos on the meme attempt!
2. "She was the point person … compelling the Chinese to commit to cutting carbon emissions."
- David Axelrod, former Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama
Finally. Somebody finally did something about those pesky Chinese emissions that are killing all us Americans. Monumental achievement. Except... it wasn't. Even TIME Magazine called this deal "meaningless."
3. "Her core belief—that the improved lives of women and girls worldwide will lead to stronger and safer economies—is proving to be transformational in the 21st Century." - Tracy Sefl, former senior advisor to Ready for Hillary.
Uh, core beliefs are not accomplishments, just FYI. I believe that burping the alphabet is something spectacular, but I've yet to list it on a resume. Interestingly, Tracy failed to name a single, actual accomplishment in her three paragraphs about Hillary. But, she did mention improving the lives of women and girls. She must be talking about the ones that are already born, right? Because while baby girls are being slaughtered and sold for profit, Hillary still says, "I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood."
4. "As Secretary, Hillary Clinton defined and tried consistently to implement a 'smart power' diplomacy... In an age where our hard power resources are limited and near exhaustion, her approach is a much more promising than the Republicans’ to addressing our hardest global problems in the years ahead."
- Harold Koh, former Legal Adviser of the Department of State
I really don't know what that even means. "Tried to consistently implement..." means she didn't even succeed. What the heck is "smart power" anyway? As in point number 3, that's not an accomplishment. Whatever it is, it didn't work. Four Americans died in Benghazi because Hillary was anything but smart and failed to act when our personnel were in harms way. She then lied about her failure, and four families will never be the same because of her.
5. "The world is safer and people are more free thanks to Hillary Clinton."
- By Donna Brazile, Democratic strategist and contributor to CNN and ABC News
Awwwww. Doesn't that sound nice? Again, name an accomplishment? Nope. Just all feel goody because Hillary is awesome so stop being a sexist and vote for her! Oh and by the way, Ms. Brazile, please see last point about four Americans dying. Also, that little item about exposing highly classified information via personal email usage. Not exactly "safe."
The reason these people can't come up with accomplishments is because the things Hillary actually has done, haven't been good, noteworthy accomplishement to be proud of. Worthy of indictment and jail time? Yes.
A vote for Hillary isn't an accomplishment either, by the way. You can't count that.