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EducationAugust 29, 2023
California AG Sues School District Requiring Schools Notify Parents About Gender Transitions
Calif. Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit Monday against a Southern California school district for its new policy that requires parents to be notified about gender identity.
In other words, Bonta believes the State knows best when it comes to raising your kids and you need to shut up and listen.
The Chino Valley Unified School District Board approved a policy last month that requires schools to inform parents whenever a student requests to use a name or pronoun different from that on their birth certificate. The policy also requires notification if a student requests to use facilities or participates in programs that don't align with their sex.
Bonta claimed in his news release that the policy “has already caused and is threatening to cause LGBTQ+ students with further mental, emotional, psychological and potential physical harm.”
This is the most aberrant form of gaslighting I have ever seen. Bonta is essentially claiming that if you do not do as the State sees fit, your child will harm themselves and it will be all your fault. And it is just better that you are kept out of the loop entirely.
“The forced outing policy wrongfully endangers the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of non-conforming students who lack an accepting environment in the classroom and at home,” Bonta said.
Basically, it is assumed that parents are child abusers, and for the safety of YOUR OWN CHILDREN, the State must keep these things secret.
“The policy unlawfully discriminates and singles out students who request to identify with or use names or pronouns different from those on their birth certificates, or who access programs or facilities that, in the view of the Board, are not ‘aligned’ with the student’s gender,” according to the press release.
Parents are getting sick of this stuff. These issues did not exist five to 10 years ago, especially not to this degree.
Parents, school boards, and lawmakers all throughout California are not taking this anymore and have joined in on the movement fighting against these sorts of policies.
Just look at my current City of residence, Glendale, CA. Parents have not been backing down as the very liberal school board is forcing gender ideology in schools.
Anderson Union High School District, and Temecula and Murrieta Valley Unified School District Boards have also implemented similar policies.
Liberals are forgetting one very important thing. Well, they forget a lot of things but I am specifically talking about how children don’t naturally think about these sorts of things. It’s progressives that put these ideas in their heads.
It is also progressives in Calif. that don’t believe in holding juveniles accountable for the worst of crimes because a child’s mind is not fully developed until they turn 25.
The fact that progressives are really arguing that a child can just one day make up their gender is ridiculous.
Demi Lavota, a grown adult, cannot even make up her mind when it comes to pronouns. And we are to believe we should leave it all up to kids?
The most frustrating thing is, that these policies that push the trans agenda are extremely harmful to children. It is the only type of therapy I am aware of that has an “affirming model.”
Just look at this story about the poor California mom who claimed her teenage daughter was 'murdered by gender ideology' after CPS took away custody because her parents didn't affirm her transgender identity.
This is classic progressivism. Create a problem that does not exist, then leave it up to the state to be the “solution.” Only, everyone is worse off because of it.