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ArticlesApril 22, 2019
WATCH: Leftists Want to Shut Down BBQ Truck Over Hysterical "LGBTQ" Shirt
Running a BBQ truck sounds like a dream job. But for one man, leftist outrage over a t-shirt is making it difficult for him to deliver all the meats. I know you're probably shocked that the left doesn't have a sense of humor. Yet here we are.
Smith says the business is his livelihood and he doesn’t like the threats that he has received but they are going to continue to sell the shirts.“At the end of the day we have to stand for what we believe in and like I said if I offended anyone that wasn’t our intention but it was just a play on words," he said.
By the way, he's clean out of shirts now. What with the high demand of his shirts. Sold out. Gone. All of them.
Belle's released this statement which makes a fabulous point.
“Belle’s Smoking BBQ apologizes if we have offended any groups, organizations or individuals with our shirts. We respect all beliefs and lifestyles and want no ill will towards anyone. We know each person has their own thoughts and beliefs but we are hurt that the people who are saying, ‘stop the hate’ are the ones coming at us with the harassing messages and threatening phone calls. Again we apologize for any hurt feelings and thank our supporters who truly know us."
So the shirt is along the same lines of being a Female Body Inspector. In that if you're offended by it, you need to go get a life. It's a t-shirt. Not an edict.
Getting triggered because of overrated chicken sammiches is one thing (see Chick-Fil-A Banned From San Antonio Airport for ‘Anti-LGBTQ Behavior’ and LGBT Activists Bully Twitter Founder for Eating Chick-Fil-A During Pride Month). But we're talking about BBQ now. Real food. Food that matters. And as per the usual, the most tolerant among us are the ones launching intolerant threats in the name of tolerance.
Maybe lay off the soy and shove some pulled pork in your mouth instead. It'll put you in a better mood. And not be looking to shut someone down over a t-shirt. Then, once you've fueled up with smoked protein, go outside. Find a hill. Run up it. Walk up if you can't run. How do you feel? Better? Not better? If the latter, walk back down the hill then go up it again. Repeat until you've stopped being such a miserable tw*t.
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