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Free SpeechFebruary 06, 2024
Biden aides pressured Amazon to REMOVE BOOKS they deemed to be “Misinformation”: report
Progressives are the champions of psychological projection, as they often accuse people of what they are guilty of. For quite some time now the Biden Administration has been slandering conservatives by claiming that many people are trying to “ban books'' in schools. Everyone reading this knows that that couldn’t be further from the truth. But as I said, they subsequently berate everyone around them for the very things they are guilty of. This is why white house aids worked with Amazon to censor books related to “vaccine misinformation”.
According to The Washington Times:
“Senior Biden administration aides summoned Amazon officials to the White House during the height of the pandemic to discuss “propaganda and misinformation” in books for sale on the retail giant’s website that questioned the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/fauci-data-arbitrary
White House officials “spent a week berating Amazon” in March 2021 over books related to “vaccine misinformation” and asked what steps company officials could take “to reduce the visibility of these titles,” according to Amazon emails released Monday by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican.
The Amazon pressure campaign overseen by Andy Slavitt, who was Mr. Biden’s senior adviser on the administration’s COVID-19 task force, appears to have been successful.’’
On March 9, the same day Amazon officials agreed to meet with Biden administration aides at the White House about its COVID-19 books, Amazon enabled a “do not promote” policy for “anti-vax books whose primary purpose is to persuade readers vaccines are unsafe or ineffective.”
It also weighed policies to “reduce the visibility” of other COVID-related books that the White House opposed.”
Why would they do that? Do you think it’s because none of them were following “the science”?
Even Fauci admitted that the six feet rule just “appeared out of thin air”. That everything was "arbitrary".
If they were actually “following the science” maybe they would not have felt so compelled to go through all this trouble to censor information.
Can you name one regime that worked this hard to censor people that was on the good side of history? Me neither.
But the worst part about all of this is that no one, and I mean no one, will be held accountable for this attempt to infringe on freedom of thought.
These people went to great lengths to dictate everything about our lives and infringe on our God-given rights, and they are basically getting away with it. So I guess we should not be surprised if we get more of the same.
It was pretty clear that anytime the left uses the term "science" they mean "political science".
Jordan Peterson: Why You SHOULDN'T 'Trust the Science' on COVID Lockdownswww.youtube.com